
Bindweed: Overview

Bindweed is a common weed and a problem for many farmers.  The weed damages crops by wrapping itself around plants such as corn and wheat.  Growing all over the world, it is sometimes ironically called "the cancer of weeds".  The proteoglycan mixture (PGM) found in bindweed has tested 100 times more effective at preventing new blood vessel growth than shark cartilage by weight.  This testing was done in chicken egg chorioallantoic membranes and was effective in a dose-dependent manner.

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Why it is Recommended

In addition to its angiogenesis inhibiting properties, PGM is also a mild immune stimulator.  Other researchers have found that the combination of angiogenesis inhibitors plus immune system stimulants hasten the process of tumor shrinkage.
While there have been many testimonies regarding cancer improvements or remissions with bindweed, to our knowledge there have been no human trials completed yet.


Suggested doses are 250mg capsules, at 4 to 6 per day.  No toxicity has been noted at these doses – concentrations that inhibit tumor growth.

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Bindweed can help with the following:

Eyes / Ocular

Macular Degeneration

Bindweed prevents new vessel growth and may help stop the scarring and permanent damage seen with wet macular degeneration.  The suggested dose is two 250mg capsules per day.

Tumors, Malignant

Cancer, General

Bindweed inhibits new blood vessel development and thus restricts cancer growth.  A typical dose is four to six 250mg capsules per day.  Support for its use in cancer is currently limited to laboratory studies and personal experiences.

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