Female Questionnaire
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This section deals with unusual skin sensations, or lack of sensation.


Do you sometimes have a burning or tingling sensation on your face?
  • Don't know
  • Never
  • Occasional mild tingling or burning
  • Frequent mild / occasional strong tingling/burning
  • (Almost) constant strong tingling or burning


Do you sometimes experience pain on one or both sides of your face? It might be continuous pain, moderate shooting pain, or intense stabbing pain.
  • Don't know
  • No
  • Yes, it tends to be a constant pain
  • Moderate shooting pain
  • Sudden, severe stabbing pain


Have you experienced a gradual loss of sensation (numbness) in the arms or legs within the past year?
  • No / don't know
  • Yes, but it was an episode more than a year ago
  • Yes, but it is improving now
  • Slight numbness, stable or getting worse
  • Significant numbness, stable or getting worse


Do you have any numbness, burning, or tingling of the extremities (toes or fingers)?
  • No / don't know
  • Yes, a little on one hand or foot only
  • Yes, severe on one hand or foot only
  • Yes, a little on two or more hands/feet
  • Yes, severe on two or more hands/feet


Are there any areas of your body where you have experienced reduction in your sense of touch (numbness), or where you are unable to feel anything at all?
  • No / don't know
  • Yes, sometimes in one particular area
  • Yes, usually or always in one particular area
  • Yes, sometimes in more than one area
  • Yes, usually or always in more than one area


If you have experienced a loss or reduction in your sense of touch, when was it?
  • Don't know
  • In the past only, now resolved
  • It started more than 12 months ago
  • It started between 1 and 12 months ago
  • It started less than 1 month ago


Do you suffer from tenderness to touch that is made worse by (for example) bedsheets, socks or tight-fitting shoes? This increased sensitivity to pain is known as Hyperalgesia.
  • Don't know
  • No
  • Yes, somewhat
  • Yes, I have extreme sensitivity to touch


Do you have difficulty in telling (feeling) the difference between hot and cold?
  • Don't know
  • No
  • A little difficulty / sometimes
  • Definitely / always


Do you have any other skin sensations that can only be described as "strange"?
  • Don't know
  • No
  • Occasionally - a few times each year
  • Regularly - a few times per month
  • Frequently or (almost) always
Report by The Analyst™
Click to see sample report
We need your:
  • consent to use cookies
  • consent to collect data
  • name, age, and gender

Click here if you have already started the questionnaire and would like to continue.

Click here to start the questionnaire and receive your own detailed health analysis.

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