
Underconsumption: Overview

Undereating is defined as eating less food than the body demands to maintain its weight.  Prolonged or severe undereating results not only in weight loss but also potentially dangerous muscle wasting.  It may also lead to metabolic and psychological disturbances.

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Mild undereating is a necessary part of a planned weight-loss regime, but it should not be severe.  It is important that the undereating results in a lower calorie intake but not a reduction in essential nutrients – especially vitamins and minerals.  This usually means reducing the fat content of meals.  Once the target weight is achieved, the dieter should revert to a well-balanced maintenance diet.

Undereating problems can also be due to psychological or physical reasons.  If you are significantly underweight, this may indicate serious disease so please consider seeing a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes and Development

Being underweight can be caused by heredity, a serious illness, not eating enough, or a combination of intense ongoing exercise and insufficient calories in the diet.  Commonly it is caused by an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.  Severe depression can also affect the appetite, resulting in underconsumption and weight loss.  Other causes can include:

Treatment and Prevention

Increasing calories may be recommended for persons who are underweight, athletes who want to gain weight to enhance performance or those whose calorie needs are increased due to a poor health condition.

Signs, symptoms & indicators of Underconsumption:

Symptoms - Metabolic

Occasionally/regularly/often/always feeling unusually cold

As a result of fasting, skipping meals or eating too little, the body will try to conserve energy by producing less body heat, thus reducing your body temperature.

Conditions that suggest Underconsumption:


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Underconsumption can lead to:


Recommendations for Underconsumption:


Not recommended
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Weak or unproven link: may be a sign or symptom of; may increase risk of; sometimes leads to
Weak or unproven link:
may be a sign or symptom of; may increase risk of; sometimes leads to
Strong or generally accepted link: often suggests; often increases risk of
Strong or generally accepted link:
often suggests; often increases risk of
Definite or direct link: increases risk of
Definite or direct link:
increases risk of
Definitely or absolutely counter-indicates: decreases risk of
Definitely or absolutely counter-indicates:
decreases risk of
Very useful: is highly recommended for
Very useful:
is highly recommended for
Should be avoided: is NOT recommended for
Should be avoided:
is NOT recommended for
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