Bleeding Tendency

Bleeding Tendency: Overview

Alternative names: Bleeding Disorder, Bleeding Diathesis, Tendency to Bleed

A bleeding tendency (excessive, delayed, or spontaneous bleeding) may signify serious underlying disease.

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Contributing Risk Factors

In cases of children or infants with a suspected bleeding disorder, the family history of susceptibility to bleeding should be examined.

Diagnosis and Tests

The underlying cause of a bleeding tendency should be diagnosed whenever possible.

Treatment and Prevention

An organized approach to this problem is essential.  Urgent management may be required.

All investigated causes being absent, you should avoid large quantities of those supplements that reduce platelet aggregation and promote easier bleeding, especially when using any blood-thinning medication.  Examples of these include: tocotrienols, fish oils, curcumin, gingko biloba, grapes and grape juice, testosterone, Coumadin, vitamin E over 300IU/day, vitamin B6 over 150-200mg per day, too many essential fatty acids, garlic, taurine and gugulipids.  Aspirin and some NSAIDS should be used with caution.

Conditions that suggest Bleeding Tendency:


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Risk factors for Bleeding Tendency:

Organ Health

Cirrhosis of the Liver

When the liver slows or stops production of the proteins needed for blood clotting, a person will bruise or bleed easily.

Supplements, Medications, Drugs

Regular/frequent aspirin use

Aspirin thins the blood and can increase bleeding.  A study at the University of Oxford reported in June, 2017 that taking aspirin regularly is far more dangerous that previously thought, especially for those aged 75 or older, because of very high increased risk of dying from excess bleeding.

The recommendation is that, aside from those who have already suffered heart attacks or stroke, regular aspirin users should cease doing so gradually and under a doctor's supervision in order to prevent heart attacks.  Those over 75 who continue taking aspirin should be prescribed a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), which reduces bleeding risk by up to 90%.

Recommendations for Bleeding Tendency:

Botanical / Herbal

Not recommended


Not recommended
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Weak or unproven link: may increase risk of
Weak or unproven link:
may increase risk of
Strong or generally accepted link: often suggests; often increases risk of
Strong or generally accepted link:
often suggests; often increases risk of
Often counterindicated: is often not recommended for
Often counterindicated:
is often not recommended for
Should be avoided: is NOT recommended for
Should be avoided:
is NOT recommended for
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