Baggy or Droopy Eyes

Baggy or Droopy Eyes: Overview

Most likely, your eyes are the first thing people notice about your appearance.  They are probably the most important aspect of facial attractiveness.  Unfortunately, even with a good night's sleep, loose skin over your eyes or bags under your eyes can make you look tired or sad, or older than you really are.

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As we go through life, even if we have taken care of ourselves, the skin around our eyes stretches and wrinkles.  Fatty deposits cause the upper lids to sag, while under the eye the tissue bulges forward and becomes discolored.  In severe cases, vision can become partially blocked.

Causes and Development

Causes of droopy eyes include age, sun exposure, alcohol (ab)use, smoking, poor nutrition and heredity.

Risk factors for Baggy or Droopy Eyes:


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Recommendations for Baggy or Droopy Eyes:

Invasive / Surgery


The most common treatment for baggy eyes is called blepharoplasty, or simply eyelid surgery.

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