Ayurvedic Dosha -
Kapha Dominance

Ayurvedic Dosha - Kapha Dominance: Overview

People who have a dominant Kapha constitution are most often healthy, content, calm and soft-spoken.  They tend to have a large frame and well-developed body and, of the three types, have the most trouble maintaining a desirable weight.  They have a tendency to become possessive, greedy and envious when under stress.  They are believed to be more prone to colds, flu and seasonal allergies.

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Kapha is made up of the two elements water and earth.  The most revered ayurvedic text, the Charaka Samhita, defines the characteristics of Kapha dosha: heavy – both water and earth are heavy elements (guru); cold (sheetoha); soft (mridu); oily, offering lubrication (snigdha); sweet (madhura); stability, offering immunity (sthira); and slippery (tikshila).

People with more Kapha in their constitutions tend to be of larger proportions, with a robust frame and padded joints, thick smooth skin that may tend towards oiliness, and rich, wavy hair.  They are stable and calm in thought, speech and action, and are easy-going and supportive in relationships.  There is an element of steadiness to their step, a quality of serenity in their smile.  Loyalty is usually their second name.  They are long, heavy sleepers and uncomfortable in damp, clammy environments.  Calm and sweetness of disposition are hallmarks of balanced Kapha.

Causes and Development

Kapha is stimulated by sweet, sour and salty foods and is weakened by pungent, bitter and acid tasting foods.  A Kapha type should be physically and mentally active, in order to help balance a Kapha dominance.

Treatment and Prevention

General dietary recommendations:
1. Favor foods that are light, dry, and warm.  Minimize foods that are heavy, oily, or cold.
2. Favor foods that are spicy, bitter, and astringent.  Minimize foods that are sweet, salty, or sour.

Dairy In general, avoid dairy products, except low-fat milk.
Fruit Lighter fruits, such as apples and pears, are best.  Reduce heavy or sour fruits, such as oranges, bananas, pineapples, figs, dates, avocados, coconuts, and melons since these fruits increase Kapha.
Sweeteners Honey is excellent for reducing Kapha.  Reduce sugar products, as these increase Kapha.
Beans All beans and bean products are fine except for tofu, which increases Kapha.
Nuts Reduce all nuts.
Grains Most grains are fine, especially barley and millet.  Avoid wheat and rice, as they increase Kapha.
Vegetables All are fine, except tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, and zucchini, as they increase Kapha.
Spices All spices are good except salt, which should be avoided, as it increases Kapha.
Meat and fish (for non-vegetarians) White meat from chicken or turkey is fine, as is seafood.  Reduce red meat.

Sometimes it is difficult to assess your own type and discover those remedies best suited for you without professional help.

On This Page

Ayurvedic Kapha Dominance:

Signs, symptoms & indicators of Ayurvedic Dosha - Kapha Dominance:

Symptoms - Allergy

Symptoms - Bowel Movements

Symptoms - Environment

Symptoms - Food - Beverages

Symptoms - Food - General

Symptoms - General

Symptoms - Hair

Symptoms - Head - Mouth/Oral

Symptoms - Metabolic

Symptoms - Mind - Emotional

Symptoms - Mind - General

Symptoms - Skin - General

Symptoms - Sleep

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