Aerobic Exercise Level

Evaluating Risk Factors: Not Exercising

Evaluating your likely current (and near future) state of health means taking into account the risk factors — such as aerobic exercise level — that affect you.   Our medical diagnosis tool, The Analyst™, identifies major risk factors by asking the right questions.

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In the Lifestyle section of the questionnaire, The Analyst™ will ask the following question about aerobic exercise level:
Approximately how much moderately strenuous AEROBIC exercise do you manage to get each week? Examples would include a brisk walk, running, bicycling or swimming.
Possible responses:
→ Don't know
→ Less than 2 hours total each week
→ 2-5 hours total each week
→ 5-7 hours total per week
→ Over 7 hours total per week

The Diagnostic Process

Based on your response to this question, which may indicate low aerobic exercise level, moderate aerobic exercise level, good aerobic exercise level or very good aerobic exercise level, The Analyst™ will use differential diagnosis to consider possibilities such as:
Osteoporosis - Osteopenia

A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of suffering from osteoporosis later in life.  Exercise strengthens bones – inactivity encourages the body not to rebuild unused resources.

Vitamin E Requirement

One study showed that people with a low physical activity level had a lower reserve of vitamin E than those more highly active.  Vitamin E concentration was inversely related to abdominal circumference.  The inverse relationship between tocopherol levels and levels of body fat may explain why this is a risk factor for coronary heart disease, due to vitamin E's role as an antioxidant and protective agent in cardiovascular disease. [Journal of Internal Medicine, 1993;234: pp.53-60]


Endometriosis has been linked to a lack of physical activity.

Gestational Diabetes Tendency

Exercising during pregnancy stimulates glucose transport and can help control gestational diabetes without the use of insulin.  Moderate workouts appear safe for most females with gestational diabetes. [The Physician and Sports Medicine, March, 1996;24(3): pp.54-66]


People often sleep more easily and soundly once an exercise program is started.

Alzheimer's Disease

Keeping an active mind and body has been shown to reduce slightly the risk of developing the disease.

Breast Cancer

Women who exercise have a lower risk of breast cancer, which could relate to better lymphatic circulation due to more breast movement.

... and also reduce your risk factors for:
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