Postpartum Depression

Definition of Postpartum Depression:

The "baby blues" are a very frequent and completely normal consequence of childbirth, usually wearing off soon afterwards as hormonal and psychological systems get back to normal.  Postpartum depression is a less common but severe depression that begins in the weeks following delivery.  It impairs the ability of the mother to care for the child and fall in love with it.  This makes her feel even more depressed and inadequate thinking that she can not be a good mother.  At the extreme, postpartum depression may lead to dangerous delusions (for example, thinking the baby is in some way deformed or cursed) or hallucinations (that may command violent acts).  This can occasionally result in a tragic episode of suicide and/or infanticide.

Topics Related to Postpartum Depression

Alcohol-related Problems

...relationship to EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Type 3 Requirement
“Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid deficiency may contribute to depressive symptoms in alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and postpartum depression.”


...relationship to EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Type 3 Requirement
“Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid deficiency may contribute to depressive symptoms in alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, postpartum depression and bipolar depression...”
...recommendation Tryptophan / 5HTP
“...Depression associated with menstrual cycles and postpartum depression sometimes respond very well to tryptophan supplementation...”
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More topics Related to Postpartum Depression

EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Type 3 Requirement

...our question about Postpartum depression
“Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid deficiency may contribute to depressive symptoms in alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and postpartum depression.”

Motherhood Issues

...the condition
“...Mental disturbances such as the "blues" or postpartum depression are also well-recognized...”

Multiple Sclerosis

...relationship to EFA (Essential Fatty Acid) Type 3 Requirement
“Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid deficiency may contribute to depressive symptoms in alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and postpartum depression.  It is interesting to note that the incidence of MS is quite low in Japan, where consumption of marine foods, seeds, and fruit oil is quite high...”
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More topics Related to Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy-Related Issues

...recommendation DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
“...As a consequence, she may lose as much as 3% of her brain mass during this time and therefore supplemental DHA may help prevent postpartum depression and ensure an adequate supply for the nursing baby...”

Squawvine a treatment
“...In addition to conditions related to childbirth, the herb was used to treat postpartum depression, irregular menstruation, and bleeding...”

Tendency Toward Postpartum Depression

...the condition
“...This is called postpartum depression.  Instead of the normal and relatively mild sadness and anxiety, about 10% of new mothers develop a more troubling condition called postpartum depression...”
...recommendation Tryptophan / 5HTP
“Depression associated with menstrual cycles and postpartum depression sometimes respond very well to tryptophan supplementation...”
...recommendation DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)
“US scientists found low levels of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA, in mother's milk and in the red blood cells of women with postpartum depression.  The difference was significant compared to those without depression...”
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