Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
San Rafael, California

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Doctors in or near San Rafael, California

Dr. Sally B. LaMontND

507 Tamal Plaza
Corte Madera, CA 94925
Phone: (415) 927-7015
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More doctors in or near San Rafael, California

Dr. Jimmy MagiasisND

Inspired Health
712 D St., Suite D
San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: (415) 913-9097

Dr. Jimmy Magiasis provides medical care that addresses physical and mental symptoms using natural therapies.

Dr. Magiasis transforms an individual's health by teaching him or her life-long habits that promote wellness and prevention of disease.

He provides care for patients of all ages with a wide variety of medical conditions.

He offers office visits in San Rafael, house calls in Fairfax and San Anselmo, and telephone consultations throughout the US.

He uses a wide range of therapies, including herbs, homeopathy, nutrition, lifestyle and psychological counseling.

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Acronyms on this page

Naturopathic Doctor [Naturopath, Naturopaths]
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Health problems rarely occur in isolation or for obvious reasons

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