Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Plymouth, Michigan

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Doctors in or near Plymouth, Michigan

Dr. Julie TwoMoonND

Breathing Waters Health Center
44670 Ann Arbor Road Suite 110
Plymouth, MI 48170
Phone: (734) 414-7669 Fax: (734) 414-7679

Julie TwoMoon has a Doctor of Naturopathy Degree from the acclaimed National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon.  She also has a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine, and has Diplomat Status in Acupuncture.  Her education included six years of medical school with specialties in Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Western and Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutrition.  Dr. TwoMoon has extensive experience using Natural Medicine and Acupuncture.

At Breathing Waters Health Center we believe that good health is attainable for all people.  At our center you access resources for cultivating, creating and maintaining optimum vibrant health.  We use Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine together to: identify how your body has become imbalanced, perform natural treatments to restore that healthy balance and teach clients to utilize tools to maintain your health without harm or injury.  Utilizing this approach, all conditions are treatable; all disease states are changeable, and every person has the ability to attain whatever goals they establish for their health.

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Naturopathic Doctor [Naturopath, Naturopaths]
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