Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Englewood, New Jersey

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Doctors in or near Englewood, New Jersey

Dr. Erica SongMD

Vibrant Life Medicine
286 Engle Street
Englewood, NJ 07631
Phone: (201) 569-6190 Fax: (201) 569-6940
Web Site:

Vibrant Life Medicine is a holistic functional medicine practice founded by Dr. Erica Song, a board-certified physician with 20+ years of experience.  She founded Vibrant Life Medicine for men and women to advance the philosophy of integrating traditional medicine with complementary therapies to create a powerful relationship between physician and patient.  Dr. Song focuses on the whole person to create personalized treatment plans that build the foundation for healing the mind, body and spirit.  Our team of integrative medical and holistic specialists emphasize preventing disease before it starts.

We offer a wide range of services that create the foundation for optimal health, wellness and balance.  These services include: functional medicine consultations and wellness programs for men and women, stem cell and platelet-rich plasma therapies, weight management programs, hormone optimization with bio-identical hormones, metabolic detoxification, lifestyle and nutrition counseling, acupuncture, massage, Reiki and mind-body medicine.  Dr. Song offers regenerative medicine through stem cell therapies.

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