Licensed Holistic Doctors in/near
Allentown, Pennsylvania

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Doctors in or near Allentown, Pennsylvania

Dr. Conrad G. MaulfairDO

Maulfair Medical Center
5925 Tilghman Street Suite 90
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: (610) 682-2104, (800) 733-4065
Web Site:

Dr. Conrad Maulfair, an Osteopathic physician, views health from a comprehensive holistic view.  With over thirty years of experience, he understands the importance of complementary medicine in restoring health.

Dr. Maulfair utilizes various noninvasive diagnostic tests that uncover the underlying causes for health problems.  He then treats the cause, not the symptoms.  Dr. Maulfair routinely improves the quality of life for his patients with exercise and dietary regimens, chelation therapy, infusion therapy, and sauna detoxification.

Board Certified in Family Practice and Radiology

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Acronyms on this page

Doctor of Osteopathy [Osteopath, Osteopaths]
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