
Definition of Vasculitis:

Inflammation and necrosis of blood vessels, including arteries, veins and capillaries.  The damage may be due to infectious agents, mechanical trauma, radiation or toxins; often no specific causative factor is identified.  It involves immune mechanisms such as deposition of circulating immune complexes and direct attack by circulating antibodies

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“...These include ... Vasculitis...”


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“...They are not necessary for a differential diagnosis: Vasculitis is a common disorder characterized by an inflammation of the blood vessel walls...”
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“...A number of conditions such as vasculitis may cause damage to blood vessels throughout the body...”

Sjogren's Syndrome

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“...symptoms Swallowing difficulty due to decreased saliva production; Constipation; Food intolerances; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Heartburn; Indigestion; Inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis); Connective tissue disorders; Debilitating fatigue; The doctor will first take a detailed medical history, which includes asking questions about general health, symptoms, family medical...”

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“...Other causes of vascular dementia include ... vasculitis...”
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...the condition
Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels...”
...relationship to Lupus, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
“In the vasculitis caused by lupus, the antigens causing the immune complexes are often not known...”
...recommendation Essential Fatty Acids
“An essential fatty acid Omega-6/Omega-3 imbalance or deficiency can contribute to inflammation, which is part of the problem in vasculitis.”
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