
Definition of Thyrotoxicosis:

Also known as Graves' disease, is a disorder of excess thyroid hormone production.  It is usually linked to an enlarged thyroid gland and bulging eyes (exophthalmos).

Also: Graves Disease, Graves' Disease

Topics Related to Thyrotoxicosis

Chronic Thyroiditis

...the condition
“...Thyroiditis is more common than Graves' disease when mild cases are included, and the prevalence among women is at least 2%...”

Cigarette Smoke Damage

...relationship to Chronic Thyroiditis
“...The association was most pronounced in autoimmune disorders (Graves' disease and autoimmune thyroiditis), although there was still a strong association for non-autoimmune thyroid disorders.”
...relationship to Hyperthyroidism
“...The association was most pronounced in autoimmune disorders (Graves' disease and autoimmune thyroiditis), although there was still a strong association for non-autoimmune thyroid disorders.”
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More topics Related to Thyrotoxicosis

Clubbed Fingers Or Toes

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“...These include ... Graves' Disease...”


...related topic
“...See Thyrotoxicosis.”


...the condition
“...The leading cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease.  Graves' disease represents a basic defect in the immune system, causing production of immunoglobulins (antibodies) which stimulate and attack the thyroid gland, causing growth of the...”
...relationship to Autoimmune Tendency
“The leading cause of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease, which is an autoimmune disorder.”
...recommendation Iodine
“Very high doses of Iodine for short periods (about thirty drops daily of SSKI for three weeks) have sometimes produced favorable results in Graves' disease.  Because of the possibility of causing a 'thyroid storm' (an acute hyperthyroid state), this therapy should only be attempted under close supervision by a doctor experienced in its...”
...recommendation Gluten-free Diet
“Some doctors recommend the complete avoidance of gluten/gliadin and dairy products when this allergy is suspected in cases of Graves' disease or other autoimmune disease.”
...recommendation Test for DHEA
“Some doctors report finding that a high percentage of patients with autoimmune disorders, such as Graves' disease, are also deficient in DHEA, and should be tested.”

Sjogren's Syndrome

...the condition
“...They can appear as either the overactive thyroid of Graves' disease or the underactive thyroid of Hashimoto's...”
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