
Definition of Sebum:

The oily liquid covering the skin surface.

Topics Related to Sebum

Adult Acne

...recommendation Dairy Products Avoidance
“...He also suspected that the hormones produced naturally in the milk of pregnant cows may break down into androgen when consumed, which stimulates the production of sebum, the waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous glands that clogs pores and creates acne when the pores become infected...”

Dry skin

...the condition
“...Because cleansers can strip away sebum and natural moisturizing factors from your skin, washing at night gives your skin time to replenish itself, before you need to face outside elements, such as wind, cold, and sunlight...”
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More topics Related to Sebum

Female Hair Loss

...the condition
“...One plausible theory to explain some of the difference between men and women is based on the angle of follicles and resultant sebum build-up.  The angle at which hairs come out of a female scalp allow the sebum (oil produced by the scalp) to "run off" whereas the angle of hairs on a male scalp (straight up) can lead to oil...”

Male Hair Loss

...the condition
“...One plausible theory to explain some of the difference between men and women is based on the angle of follicles and resultant sebum build-up.  The angle at which hairs come out of a female scalp allow the sebum (oil produced by the scalp) to "run off" whereas the angle of hairs on a male scalp (straight up) can lead to oil...”

Ovarian Cysts

...related topic
“...They occur as either "dermoid cysts", which are benign tumors that may nevertheless recur on either ovary and contain elements derived from the skin (hairs, sebum, teeth), or other organic cysts.”
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More topics Related to Sebum

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

...our question about Oiliness of your hair
“Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can cause the skin to produce excess sebum, leading to oily hair.”


...the condition
“...Most cases are associated with moderate to severe seborrhea, although in many cases sebum production is not increased...”

Sauna Detoxification Program a treatment
“...Chemicals are excreted through many routes including feces, urine, sweat, sebum, and lung vapor...”


...related topic
“Sebaceous Glands secrete an oily/waxy substance (sebum) into hair follicles to lubricate and waterproof our skin and hair...”
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