
Definition of Palliative:

Relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure.

Also: Palliate, Palliates

Topics Related to Palliative

Bone Cancer

...the condition
“...Many therapies have a palliative function (meant to relieve pain and other symptoms) rather than a curative (meant to cure cancer) function, though doctors may attempt to cure primary bone cancer in some patients...”

Gallbladder Cancer

...the condition
“...Treatment options for gallbladder cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and palliative therapy (controlling symptoms, but not curing the cancer)...”
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More topics Related to Palliative

Kidney Cancer

...recommendation Radiation Therapy (Radio Therapy)
“...It also may be used as palliative therapy to lessen pain or bleeding in patients with inoperable or widespread metastatic RCC...”

Liver Cancer

...the condition
“...When a cure or control of the disease is not possible, some patients and their doctors choose palliative therapy.  Palliative therapy aims to improve the quality of a person's life by controlling pain and other problems caused by the disease...”
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More topics Related to Palliative

Shortness Of Breath

...the condition
“...Aside from treating the underlying cause of shortness of breath, relief of symptoms (palliative care) is very important from the patient's point of view...”

TMJ Problems

...the condition
“...Sometimes TMJ problems resolve over time with patients taking mild pain-relieving drugs and using heat, cold or other palliative measures.  At present, there are more than 50 treatments in use ranging from very conservative, reversible therapies to more aggressive, invasive approaches...”
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