
Definition of Leukocytosis:

Having abnormally high numbers of white blood cells, usually the result of a non-viral infection.

Topics Related to Leukocytosis

Colon Cancer

...the condition
“...Leukocytosis and increased sedimentation rate indicate inflammation or necrosis of the tumour...”

Crohn's Disease

...the condition
“...Laboratory Findings ... Leukocytosis and increased sedimentation rate occur during the acute inflammatory phase...”
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More topics Related to Leukocytosis

Diverticular Disease

...the condition
“...Laboratory Findings ... Leukocytosis and increased sedimentation rate reflect acute inflammation...”

Gallbladder Disease

...the condition
“...A high white blood cell count (leukocytosis) is another common finding but should not be relied on to establish a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis...”

Gastric/Peptic/Duodenal Ulcers

...the condition
“...Perforation – leukocytosis with left shift, dehydration, increased amylase, increased lipase...”

Intestinal Obstruction

...the condition
“...Laboratory findings ... Leukocytosis – counts < 15,000/ul suggest simple obstruction; counts > 15,000/ul suggest impaired circulation; counts > 25,000/ul suggest infarction...”
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More topics Related to Leukocytosis

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm

...the condition
“...Useful laboratory tests include ... Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) score, to differentiate chronic myelogenous leukemia from other causes of leukocytosis...”


...the condition
“...Neutrophilia is the most common form of leukocytosis – a condition involving an increased number of leukocytes in the blood...”


...the condition
“...Laboratory findings ... Leukocytosis – up to 50,000/ul with 80-90% neutrophils; may not occur in older patients...”

Subphrenic Abscess

...the condition
“...A comprehensive list of symptoms includes the following ... Leukocytosis...”

Ulcerative Colitis

...the condition
“...Laboratory findings ... Leukocytosis during acute exacerbation...”
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