
Definition of Farsightedness:

A less common condition in which nearby objects appear blurry but far away objects can be seen clearly.

Also: Farsighted, Hypermetropia, Hyperopia, Hyperopic, Longsightedness, Long-sightedness

Topics Related to Farsightedness


...the condition
“Alternative names: Hyperopia, Longsightedness, Long-sightedness, or Hypermetropia Farsightedness is a vision condition in which distant objects are seen clearly, but close objects can not be focused on...”


...our question about Degree of farsightedness
“Acute glaucoma is usually due to the shape of the eyeball and is most common in farsighted people.”
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More topics Related to Farsightedness


...the condition
“...It is the opposite of farsightedness (hyperopia)...”

Optical Prescription

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“...A higher diopter means you are more nearsighted or farsighted.  A prescription is usually written as three numbers, for example:      OD   -4.25 -1.75 X 180      OS   -5.50 -1.25 X 175...”
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