
Definition of Delta-6-Desaturase:

An important enzyme involved in the conversion of essential fatty acids to prostaglandins.  It is deficient or inhibited in diabetes, obesity, older people, and in the presence of insulin, coffee, trans fatty acids, or alcohol.  Certain nationalities such as Irish, Celtic, Scandinavian, Scottish and Native American have higher than average deficiencies of delta-6-desaturase.

Topics Related to Delta-6-Desaturase


...recommendation Zinc
“...Clinical experience has shown zinc supplementation to be particularly valuable in treating eczema, probably due to its being a common deficiency and its importance in delta-6-desaturase.  Zinc may provide some benefit either orally or topically.”
...recommendation Essential Fatty Acids
“...This is a condition where delta-6-desaturase is often impaired...”
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