Cervical Dysplasia

Definition of Cervical Dysplasia:

Abnormal cells on the surface of the cervix, classified as either mild (70% of cases fall into this category; the cells regress on their own), moderate, or severe, or as class 1, 2 or 3. While dysplasia itself does not cause health problems, it is considered to be a precancerous condition.  Left untreated, dysplasia sometimes progresses to an early form of cancer known as cervical carcinoma in situ, and eventually to invasive cervical cancer.

Topics Related to Cervical Dysplasia

Birth Control Pill Issues

...the condition
“...Birth control pills tend to cause folic acid depletion and increase the risk of cervical dysplasia and vascular thrombosis, stroke, and possibly megaloblastic anemia...”

Cervical Cancer

...the condition
“...It is preceded by a precancerous condition called CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) or cervical dysplasia which may or may not develop into cancer...”
...recommendation Lycopene
“...Other researchers have also reported evidence suggesting that high dietary lycopene may be linked to protection from cervical dysplasia...”
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More topics Related to Cervical Dysplasia

Cervical Dysplasia

...the condition
“...Cervical dysplasia is considered to be a pre-cancerous condition, can occur at any age from puberty onward, and is usually found in women between the ages of 25 and 35...”
...recommendation Folic Acid
“...Folic acid supplementation has resulted in improvement or normalization of cytological smears in patients with cervical dysplasia in placebo-controlled and clinical studies...”
...recommendation Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
“Recent evidence suggests that beta-carotene and/or vitamin C may reverse or reduce the risk of cervical dysplasia.  Inadequate vitamin C intake is an independent risk factor for the development of premalignant cervical disease and carcinoma in situ.”
...recommendation Vaginal Depletion Pack
“The vaginal depletion pack (or vag pack) has a long history of effective use by naturopathic physicians in the treatment of cervical dysplasia.  It is thought to work by promoting the sloughing of the superficial cervical cells, particularly those that are abnormal...”
...recommendation Therapeutic Fasting
Cervical dysplasia is helped by fasting.”
...recommendation Beta-Carotene
“Recent evidence suggests that beta-carotene (in doses of about 25,000 IU per day) and/or vitamin C may reverse or reduce the risk of cervical dysplasia.”
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More topics Related to Cervical Dysplasia

Folic Acid Deficiency

...the condition
“...More recently, folic acid deficiency (along with vitamin A deficiency) has been associated with cervical dysplasia and cancer...”


...relationship to Cervical Cancer
“HIV-infected women are more likely to acquire human papillomavirus (HPV), including the high-risk subtypes 16 and 18 that can lead to cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer...”

Therapeutic Fasting

...as a treatment
“...Conditions responding to fasting include: Headaches, hypoglycemia, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, acne and eczema, tinnitus, vertigo, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, cervical dysplasia, chronic neck and back pain, polymyalgia rheumatica, and many others...”
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