
Definition of Anthelmintic:

Agent that expels or destroys intestinal worms.

Topics Related to Anthelmintic

Black Walnut a treatment
“...It is thought that the high tannin content is responsible for the anthelmintic property of black walnut, although there are other constituents such as juglandin and juglone that may also be responsible...”

Cape Aloes a treatment
“...This very bitter substance acts as a tonic, purgative, emmenagogue, and anthelmintic.  Cape aloes powder is available in capsule forms, as the taste is extremely bitter...”
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More topics Related to Anthelmintic

Clove a treatment
“...Cloves are known to be antihistaminic, antiseptic (against a range of bacteria), anthelmintic and larvicidal...”

Hookworm Infection

...the condition
“...However, treatment requires more than giving the anthelmintic, the patient should also receive dietary supplements to improve their general level of health, in particular iron supplementation is very important...”
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More topics Related to Anthelmintic

Indian Long Pepper a treatment
“Alternative names: Long Pepper, Pippali Indian long pepper (Piper longum) is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that has long been used for its anthelmintic and carminative actions...”

Oil of Oregano a treatment
“...Some of these volatile oils have been shown to have strong antifungal and anthelmintic ("anti-worming") activities...”

Tapeworm Infection

...the condition
“...Instead, dogs should be routinely wormed with a broad spectrum anthelmintic – one which has been shown to be effective against tapeworms...”
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