How Active You Keep Your Mind

Are you benefiting from Keeping An Active Mind?

Evaluating your overall health doesn't just mean looking at what's wrong, it also means looking at what you are doing rightThe Analyst™ learns all about you through a simple-yet-comprehensive questionnaire.

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In the Mind Health section of the questionnaire, The Analyst™ will ask the following question about how active you keep your mind:
How active do you keep your mind? For example, do you regularly read or solve problems or puzzles during work or leisure?
Possible responses:
→ Inactive - I prefer casual conversation, TV, etc.
→ Somewhat inactive
→ I'd say I'm about average / don't know
→ More active than average
→ Extremely active - several hours each day

What does this tell us?

Based on your response, which may indicate either not keeping mind active or keeping mind active, The Analyst™ is able to consider or rule out possibilities such as Alzheimer's Disease.  Staying mentally active/stimulated appears to reduce the risk.
Concerned or curious about your health?  Try The Analyst™
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